Saturday, November 13, 2010

A post that is, essentially, word porn.

There are very few causes I get into (apart from general human rights issues and getting people to own up to their idiocy - but I don't count that). This morning, however, I came across the Oxford Dictionary's "Save The Words" website, in which they attempt to save an array of obscure, brilliant, near-defunct words by getting all of the readers to "adopt a word". There are hundreds of excellent words to browse through and add to your vocabulary, and if you're a sucker for a good vocabulary addition like me, it may take hours to choose which brilliant word will be your new baby. Once you've adopted a word, it's your duty to get that word back into your day-to-day vocabulary, share it with your friends, spread the word tirelessly - and this idea, I love.
So I adopted the word squiriferous, which means gentlemanly or chilvalrous: "When he held the door open for me, I was shocked that he was so squiriferous". My friend Sarah adopted vacivity, which may be my new favourite essay word - it means an emptiness, and it's delightfully simple to slip into your everyday sentences. Some other great words I've learnt today include:

Vapous – (adj.) flat, bland

Kexy – (adj.) brittled, withered

Scaevity – (n.) unluckiness

Crassulent – (adj.) very fat, grossly obese

Cacozealous – (aaj.) badly immitated

Egrote – (v.) to pretend to be ill

Latibule – (n.) hiding place

Roblet – (v.) lead astray

Tussicate – (v.) to cough

Blateration – (n.) babble, chatter

Vacivity – (n.) emptiness

Lubency – (n.) willingness

Pudify – (v.) to cause embarrassment

Quaeritate – (v.) to ask

Magistricide – (v.) to kill a teacher or master

Temerate – (v.) to break a bond or promise

Drollic – (adj.) pertaining to puppet shows

Foppotee – (n.) a simple-minded person

Epalprebate – (adj.) lacking eyebrows

Krioboly – (n.) sacrifice of many rams

Diffibulate – (v.) to unbutton

Eicastic – (adj.) immitative

Prandicle – (n.) small meal

Parepochism – (n.) an error in dating or assigning a time period

Starrify – (v.) to decorate with stars

Spicious – (adj.) of thick consistency

Mariturient – (adj.) eager to marry

Amorevolous – (adj.) affectionate, doting

Hemerine – (adj.) daily

Tudiculate – (v.) to bruise or pound

Sevedical – (adj.) speaking harsh or cruel words

Welmish – (adj.) of pale or sickly colour

Gnathonize – (v.) to flatter

Lugent – (adj.) sobbing, grieving

Venustation – (n.) the act of becoming beautiful

Misqueme – (v.) to displease
Pantdress - (n.) a women's one-piece outfit with pants as the bottoms - a romper
I can't help but love someone who puts a spin on the common language, so henceforth:
I hope you experience minimal scaevity in your kriboly, nor do you encounter lugent folk or encounter a scathefire which leaves you epalpebrate. Keep in mind that pantdresses will always fail to gnathonize, and may interrupt your venustation, and tudiculate your dignity out of you. Fill the vacivity of your vapous life and enhance your vocabulary so no one considers you a foppotee, and enjoy your next prandicle. I would hate to pudify, but it would will be most squiriferous of you to give this a shot.
(Note: I have never advertised anything this shamelessly without being paid but I suppose that this quirky little effort really spoke to me - if that's not the nerdiest thing you've heard today, then you probably hand out with people not dissimilar to myself. Don't hold it against me.)