Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Bachelor: London Calling 15/6 - I do watch this crap

I'm about five minutes behind, but I'm going to write about the crazy awful shit that I watch in my spare time. They have decided this show is now America's Next Top Model, with more people whose names I don't know. Sleezy englishman is sleezy, called Matt, and says things like "Go honey". And "Yeah baby". Kind of creepy. Every single girl here pisses me off, except Holly, who moonwalked. MOONWALK? AWESOME. A show can be crap as, as long as you get in a moonwalk. And then some girl called Amanda took her shirt off. And this was a date. And egad, you best believe I'm not going to stop talking. This is also going to be a long ass post.

Matt urges that they "not get dressed" which only cements the fact that he's a massive creep, and up next not only do they "gamble for Matt's heart", but some girl sings, and we have the first major mental breakdown of this season. I feel like I lose about a hundred brain cells every time I even watch this show.

Matt is kinda turned on by the modelling "date", so he takes them up to the penthouse suite. This slow gets sleezier by the minute. Marshana, or someone, has cornered Matt, and is asking him big questions in a "fun" environment, and Matt reveals that he picked her because "she's beautiful" (objectify women, much?) and "the colour of her skin is amazing" and seriously, Matt? And oh dear, someone else wrote a song. Is there a dodgy songwriter every season? Is Michelle the new Wes? CAN I HATE HER VEHEMENTLY NOW? Such subtle lyrics - "I want to touch you, I want you to touch me" - and the other singer in the house is pissed.

Suddenly, the girls are sitting around and a suitcase full of money arrives, so of course they're going to Vegas, and I swear, there's a girl wearing a fur lined jacket around the house. To differentiate herself, other singer/songwriter Ashlee takes Matt aside into the bedroom for a "chat", and all they ever seem to talk about are appearances, are you guys really that shallow? "You've got beautiful lips" *smooch*. Seriously, guys? Second episode in? Geez, sleazy much? And of course, she gets the rose. Obviously, because he thinks she's easy. I mean, how else do you make that kind of decision after knowing someone for a week.

Marshana thinks you should be excited, but humble too. Marshana is the queen of humble, clearly. Erin, who is 25, preaches that Ashlee is a "young 22", and it's inappropriate, and MAN, girls are hypocritical.

Matt is taking the girls to Paris, Las Vegas. Stoned Shayne is looking a lot more awake tonight, but I think she's assuming the role of space-case. I seriously have no idea who half these girls are. Essentially, they're all sitting around gambling and making terrible puns - "I think what I'll really be gambling with is my heart". Robin has never gambled before, so she's stealing him away, and Matt is offended that she's not a gambler. DUDE - Gambling isn't always a metaphor. I'm perfectly ready to take a risk in life, but I too hate gambling. Stoned Shayne lost all of her money, and this leads to her breakdown, clearly.  Kelly (the one who sounds like a fifty year old lifelong smoker) won the gambling battle, and wins a date, and then proceeds to skill an entire glass of champagne. I like her more than you'd guess, but I suspect she's drunk, even though she can "handle her alcohol".

Stoned Shayne is complaining. People on this show have terrible grammar. "There is other girls here". SHUT UP. Not only is Shayne stoned, but also whinging and breaking down because she doesn't feel she's being appreciated. Matt thinks she's having too much trouble, and it's not good. Shayne questions if it's worth it. It's not. Matt thinks Shayne is too attractive for him, but the drama is JUST TOO MUCH. Oh god. Seriously? Next: OH MY GOD THERE'S A FREAKING OPERA SINGER.

"Vegas is amazing, I'm taking all of the girls up to my room". Kelly is off her face. Shayne is stoned. This is ridiculous. I think there should be a rule against letting The Bachelor girls anywhere near alcohol. It's bloody ridiculous. Though I suppose people who can hold their alcohol don't go on a show like the Bachelor. I missed that shit with Chelsea. To be honest, I don't care. Stoned One is annoyed at the other girls for being so "giddy". Robin shows off her classical music skills.

Who's this girl? I actually like her. She makes me laugh. And not for the same reasons as the other crap people on this show. Erin S. The better Erin. The Erin who I don't hate. Matt's giving the rose to Chelsea, who is wearing a pretty shirt. Matt is being all romantic and shit and giving her a rose while sipping his beer. Stoner is offended at the lack of rose, despite the fact that she has acted like a total drama queen the entire episode. Girls are stupid. Stoner just expected him to fall in love with her. She would leave, but she feels for him. I hated her less for that one moment. I hate her again.

At yet another little party. Oh, they lead such hard lives. Matt is talking to Robin, and they appear to be trying to seduce each other. Seduce is a hilarious word. Robin appears to do nothing but kiss Matt. Matt just likes making out. Guy. Nobody likes Robin. Smoker Kelly is displeased, as is Marshana. Marshana's awesome. They're going to dance together, to no music. That whole idea is less romantic to me now. Matt's glad she's here. He wants to kiss her, but too many girls watching. Stoner is sitting inside, sulking. Carri, another annoying blonde, is OPERA SINGER. Matt is pretending to find this attractive. My mother is in hysterics on the couch. Bitchy Erin H has decided to sing for matt, because so is every other freaking person in this house.

Amanda R - Hiccup Girl - is complaining about her chronic hiccup problem. Shut up, embrace the hiccups, I have them too, and I work it. Awesome Erin claims that if she gets out tonight, she's going to make a massive scene and leave with a bang (totally what I would do, if you were wondering). Stoner claims that "emotions are beginning to come out", as opposed to last time when she cried in the bathroom and yelled at Matt about the unfairness of all of this. Matt "fancies the pants off her", and she's an actress - whoa. Stoner wants a rose. Surprise, surprise.

Marshana is giving matt a lap dance. That's...beyond disgusting. Random Blonde Amy is doing a shopping dance, and some girl is teaching him to "crank dat Soulja boi". In comes Chris Harrison, to announce that it's time to deliberate over the rose giving. Hells yes.

Chris recaps the episode even though we've just seen it. Hiccup Girl reacts exactly how I would in this situation, and hiccups. Loudly. I hope these girls all watched this as it aired in the states and locked themselves in their rooms for weeks. Classical Pianist Robin gets the first rose. Moonwalking Holly is next. AWESOME ERIN is next, thank god. Hiccup Girl gets through, and she was soulja boi girl as well, so I kind of love her. Smoker Kelly is next. Pointless tension. Random blonde gets a rose. So does Kristine, random blonde 2. Marshana too, which is totally predictable. Stoner's pissed. Photographer Noelle gets a rose, which is all cool. Chris comes in to pointlessly alert us to the fact that there's one rose remaining, oh really? Thanks for that, Chris. Stoner gets the last rose. No opera singer? Are you freaking kidding me?

Bitchy Erin's all "his loss". Heart-on-sleeve opera singer Carri is sad. "I wanna touch you" Michelle is gone, urging Matt to "seek out the good". She's going to go home to see her cat, to hear her purr again, because she's the love of her life at the moment. Egad, she was a crazy cat lady, good that you got her out now, Matt.But at least Stoner's around. For entertainment value.

...I'm sorry.

Oooh, Chelsea is crazily double jointed. That's awesome.

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